Pope & Howard, PC

Legal Terms

Understand legal concepts and terminology with our online legal dictionary

Contingent Fee: A fee to a lawyer which will only be due if their legal work has successfully compensated the client, either through winning a lawsuit or collecting funds in a settlement out of court.

Medical Negligence: Medical negligence occurs when a medical professional, such as a doctor, dentist or nurse, performs their job duties in a way that deviates from normal medical care standards.

Premises Liability: A law which makes the owner in possession of land or property (premises) responsible for injuries suffered by persons who are on the property.

Product Liability: A legal action that holds the vendor or manufacturer of defective goods sold to the public accountable and responsible for all injury caused by their product.

Workers’ Compensation (also known as Workman’s Comp, Workers’ Comp, Workman’s Compensation): Laws that ensures any employee who has been injured on the job are provided with financial compensation. Workers’ Compensation differs from state to state, but it is a fixed amount that insures that anyone who was injured, disabled, becomes ill, or dies from a job related harm is award money.